What happens in Vegas
Wow. I might be the worst blogger in the universe. The blogoverse even. One post this year. In January. Clearly this hasn't been my year for putting words to computer screen. But I've been chatting with a lovely lady (who's undoubtedly a better wordsmith than I) and she's convinced me to write some more.
This weekend marks the beginning of a journey. A journey that will see friends embark together on an annual pilgrimage to the land of excess. To partake in the finest things life has to offer. My friends, it is time for Las Vegas.
Many of you may know that I travel fairly often, heck I was in New York 4 times alone so far this year. Each trip is usually a great time, but there is work to be done. I'm either teaching, judging, or competing. My yearly trip to Las Vegas is the only time I travel that I don't take a pair of drum sticks with me. This is the only time away that is truly vacation. And I can't wait!
Woody Allen and I share a few connections. We were both born on December 1st. We both have had (or still have ) a thing for Diane Keaton. And every September, at the Carnegie Deli at the Mirage Hotel and Casino, we go to battle. Ok, it's not really me versus the actual Woody Allen. In fact, it's not even a Woody Allen look-alike. It's a sandwich. Woody Allen the sandwich. "The Woody Allen" to be precise. The Woody Allen is a beast. It's said to be 1 lb of Corned Beef, and 1 lb of Pastrami, but I would guess it's total weight is closer to 3 lbs. 3 years in a row Woody and I have battled, and 3 years in a row I have emerged the loser. I've vowed this year will be different. I've been practicing. Working hard to expand my stomach so that I'll be able to finally triumph over the most amazing of Jewish delicatessen. Wait, no I haven't!! I've been on a diet since March. I actually can't eat nearly as much as I used to be able to. I shouldn't stand a chance, and probably shouldn't even be attempting this. But there are some things a man has to do in this life, and I, Graham Brown, must one day defeat the Woody Allen. Maybe this is the year. Below are images of the two combatants from the past 3 years.



This weekend marks the beginning of a journey. A journey that will see friends embark together on an annual pilgrimage to the land of excess. To partake in the finest things life has to offer. My friends, it is time for Las Vegas.
Many of you may know that I travel fairly often, heck I was in New York 4 times alone so far this year. Each trip is usually a great time, but there is work to be done. I'm either teaching, judging, or competing. My yearly trip to Las Vegas is the only time I travel that I don't take a pair of drum sticks with me. This is the only time away that is truly vacation. And I can't wait!
Woody Allen and I share a few connections. We were both born on December 1st. We both have had (or still have ) a thing for Diane Keaton. And every September, at the Carnegie Deli at the Mirage Hotel and Casino, we go to battle. Ok, it's not really me versus the actual Woody Allen. In fact, it's not even a Woody Allen look-alike. It's a sandwich. Woody Allen the sandwich. "The Woody Allen" to be precise. The Woody Allen is a beast. It's said to be 1 lb of Corned Beef, and 1 lb of Pastrami, but I would guess it's total weight is closer to 3 lbs. 3 years in a row Woody and I have battled, and 3 years in a row I have emerged the loser. I've vowed this year will be different. I've been practicing. Working hard to expand my stomach so that I'll be able to finally triumph over the most amazing of Jewish delicatessen. Wait, no I haven't!! I've been on a diet since March. I actually can't eat nearly as much as I used to be able to. I shouldn't stand a chance, and probably shouldn't even be attempting this. But there are some things a man has to do in this life, and I, Graham Brown, must one day defeat the Woody Allen. Maybe this is the year. Below are images of the two combatants from the past 3 years.



Vegas isn't just about eating giant sandwiches. There are also places where people can get drunk and stand up and make fools of themselves in front of others. You might know these more commonly as karaoke bars. The past few years we've hit up karaoke at Imperial Palace. IP has a special bar and room just for karaoke, and it runs every night. Needless to say, we've had some excellent nights there, and it might be the thing I'm most looking forward to this trip. I don't know if everyone will be able to see the following link, but it is gold.
Other traditions that will be revisited include Hug a Hooker, Randomly wondering the strip while drunk, trying to complete the entire collection of this years hooker cards, Beer Pong on the strip (where I am two time defending champion), and more.
I have a feeling this may be the best trip yet, and I'm hoping to have some new stories to share when I return. Get excited people. The magic is about to happen.
I have a feeling this may be the best trip yet, and I'm hoping to have some new stories to share when I return. Get excited people. The magic is about to happen.
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